What is the Average Income for Residents in Bronx, New York?

For families living in Bronx, New York, the total number is 335,002 and the average family size is 3.45 people. To make it easier to review data from the Bronx, we have simplified the actual data into larger categories. The following graph shows households in Bronx County, New York, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group. This is calculated by dividing the total income of all people in the Bronx by the total number of people in the area.

If a family's total income is below the family threshold, that family and all its members are considered to be living in poverty. The table below shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Bronx County, New York, compared to their neighboring geographies and matrices. This chart shows the number of workers in New York in various wage groups compared to the national average. The following map shows all the districts of Bronx County, New York, colored by their median household income (total).

We can also look at the number of properties built in a given year to see the extent of real estate aging in the Bronx, New York. The average age is an interesting metric because it gives us an idea of the age distribution of people in the Bronx, New York. It differs from the average or median household income because it includes all people in the Bronx and not just people who earn income (that is, the homeownership rate in Bronx County, New York, is 19.8%, roughly equal to the national average of 64.6%). Primary care physicians in Bronx County, New York, see 1,583 patients per year on average, representing a decrease of 3.59% from the previous year (1,642 patients).

The following table shows how the average household income in Bronx County, New York compares to that of its neighboring geographies and matrices. In the table below, you can see the total households and families in the Bronx, New York for each type, as well as the average size. Both metrics are important when analyzing Bronx revenue statistics, but since the average value doesn't depend on other numbers in the data set, it doesn't change as much when some of the values are extremely low or extremely high. The chart below shows homes in Bronx County, New York, distributed among a number of car ownership groups compared to the national averages for each group.

So what is the average income for residents in Bronx, New York? To answer this question we need to take a closer look at several metrics that can give us an idea about the average income for residents in Bronx, New York. We can start by looking at median household income which is calculated by dividing total income by total number of people living in an area. We can also look at foreign-born residents percentage compared to their neighboring geographies and matrices as well as workers wage groups compared to national averages. Additionally we can look at homeownership rate which is roughly equal to national average and primary care physicians patients per year on average.

Moreover we can look at total households and families as well as properties built in a given year to get an idea about real estate aging in this area. All these metrics combined give us a better understanding about the average income for residents in Bronx, New York.